Our green creativity merges with the Portuguese firm Gencork, from Sofalca, in the development of its CorkGreen acoustic panel line with cork and preserved plants.

Its expanded cork combined with our plant decoration Deco&Moss, lichens and Moss&Plants products, recreate an organic biomimetic symbiosis, inspired by nature.

We collaborate with the Portuguese firm and its design studio Spectroom in the creation of an innovative coating system not only with the thermal and acoustic properties of cork, but also adding artistic value to the walls and sensations to the environment.

CORKGREEN SERIES 100% natural, ecological and recyclable coating

CORKVOR is a generative pattern based on Voronoi diagram, partitioning of a plane into regions based on the distance to points in a specific subset of the plane.

gencork wall cladding solution of cork and preserved lichen
colección Gencork de paneles acústicos de corcho y plantas preservadas
Gencork. Design by Spectroom. Photo Eduardo Nascimento.

CORKMETABALL Metaballs are, in computer graphics, organic-looking n-dimensional objects. For this pattern, we adopt its topologic curves to generate planar terrains exploring the different curves densities.

paneles acústicos de corcho y plantas preservadas
acustic panel cork by gencork and lichen of Greenarea
Gencork. Design by Spectroom. Photo Eduardo Nascimento.

CORKNATURE is a disruptive pattern that adopted a generative system which converts procedural images (bitmaps) into tridimensional surfaces.

solución acústica sostenible corcho gencork y greenarea
revestimiento pared con panel corcho y plantas
Gencork. Design by Spectroom. Photo Eduardo Nascimento.

For more information on CorkGreen’s innovative cork acoustic panels and preserved plants, you can contact the Greenarea project department info@greenarea.es or the Gencork team.

  • GENCORK is a Portuguese cork solutions brand that explores the perfect symbiosis between low-tech materials and high-tech processes.